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Centenary Congress of the IAPL

AIDP Congress - Day 2
Centenary Congress of the IAPL
Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Centre Vaugirard, 391 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris
Add to calendar 06/26/2024 10:00 06/26/2024 17:30 Europe/Paris Centenary Congress of the IAPL Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Centre Vaugirard, 391 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris false MM/DD/YYYY

9h00 - Panel Discussion

Opening Ceremony

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

  • Emmanuelle CHEVREAU, Professor at the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, Vice-President of the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University in charge of International Affairs
  • John A.E. VERVAELE, President of the AIDP, Emeritus Professor at Utrecht University, Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges
  • Jean-Baptiste PERRIER, Dean of the Faculty of Law of Aix-Marseille, President of the AFDP, nd Jean-Christophe SAINT-PAU, Professor at Faculty of Law of Bordeaux, Honorary Dean, Former President of the AFDP
  • Thomas LYON-CAEN, President of the Bar Association at the Council of State and the Cour de cassation
  • Nicole BELLOUBET [tbc], Minister of Education, former Minister of Justice, Professor at the Sciences-Po Law School, President of the Club des juristes

10h00 - Presentation of the results of the four international colloquia

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

Introduction, chair and moderator: Katalin LIGETI, Professor at the University of Luxembourg

Section 1 International Colloquim
Criminal Liability and Artificial Intelligence

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

Chair: Katalin LIGETI, Professor at the University of Luxembourg

  • General Rapporteur: Lorenzo PICOTTI, Professor at the University of Verona
  • France: Julien WALTHER, Senior Lecturer at Université de Lorraine
  • China: Xiumei WANG, Professor at Beijing Normal University
  • Germany: Susanne BECK, Professor at the Leibniz University Hannover
  • Portugal: Susana AIRES DE SOUSA, Associate Professor at the University of Coimbra

11h30 - Break

11h45 - Section 2 International Colloquim
Criminal Offenses and Artificial Intelligence

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

Chair: Carlos Eduardo JAPIASSÙ, Professor at the Rio de Janeiro State University

  • General Rapporteur: Fernando MIRÓ LINARÈS, Professor at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche
  • France: Magalie NORD-WAGNER, Senior Lecturer at Université de Strasbourg
  • Italy: Antonio GULLO, Professor at Luiss University, Rome
  • Romania: Nicolas GROFU, Associate Professor at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy of Bucarest
  • Egypt: Ahmed KHALIFA, Professor at Ain Shams University

13h15 - Lunch Break at your own leisure

14h30 - Section 3 International Colloquim
Criminales Proceedings and Artificial Intelligence

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

Chair: André KLIP, Professor at the University of Maastricht

  • General Rapporteur: Juliette LELIEUR, Professor at Université de Strasbourg
  • France: Emmanuelle GINDRE, Senior Lecturer at Université de Polynesie française
  • Germany: Dominik BRODOWSKI, Professor at University of Sarrlandes
  • Italy: Serena QUATTROCOLO, Professor at the University of  Turin
  • The United States: Emily SILVERMAN, Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg

16h00 - Break

16h15 - Section 4 International Colloquim
International Criminal Law and Artificial Intelligence

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

Chair: Gert VERMEULEN, Professor at Ghent University

  • General Rapporteur: Milena STERIO, Professor at Cleveland State University College of Law
  • Belgium: Vanessa FRANSSEN, Professor at the University of Liège
  • Hungary: Szilvia DOBROCSI, Professor at the Karoly Gaspar University, Budapest
  • Poland: Karolina KREMENS, Professor at the University of Wroclaw

17h45 - Declaration on the abolition of the death penalty as a peremptory norm of international law

Bilingual French-English with simultaneous translation

  • Luis ARROYO ZAPATERO, Professor at the Castilla La Mancha University
  • with Raphaël CHENUIL-HAZAN, Executive Director of Ensemble contre la peine de mort - Together against the Death Penalty
  • and with Anabela Miranda RODRIGUES, William SCHABAS, Juliette TRICOT

20h00 - Gala Dinner at the Patio of Centre Assas
Musical Entertainment: Camille TAVER, Improvising Pianist

Jescheck and Siracusa Award Ceremony

Access plan

Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Centre Vaugirard, 391 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris
Adress carte: 
POINT (2.2923659 48.835169)